Magnetomotive Forces project
under Borland C++ Builder 6

In advance, sorry for using french and english in the same soft... this is multilanguage...
and you are lucky, I didn't use arabic...

How to
Represent Magnetomotive Forces (MMF) of a stator coils with different distribution consideration

Let's start for presenting a screen capture of the application :

Sinusoïdal perfect mmf due to a sinusoïdal distribution along the airgap.
Pair poles p=1.
Viewing the Flux density "B" vectors, the m.m.f. wave along the airgap and the position of the coils.

Options :
Pair poles p=2, number of slots per pole and per phase m=2, coil opening Y=Pi.
Distribution : Sinusoïdal perfect mmf, actually mmf distribution or Double star actually mmf distribution

Actually mmf distribution along the airgap when taking into account the slots.
Pair poles p=2, number of slots per pole and per phase m=2. We notice a m.m.f. waveform that approach the sinus when using more than one slots per pole and per phase.

Actually mmf distribution along the airgap when taking into account the slots.
Pair poles p=3, number of slots per pole and per phase m=2.

Programme usage

Play with the option in sinus (perfect) wavefrom or actual one, changing the pair poles p and the number of slots per pole and per phase m.
Press Enter to confirm an entered value.
Start Animation by pushing the PLAY button, adjust animation speed speed using the horizontal slide.

You can view different aspects on the main window (Flux density vectors, coils position and m.m.f. wavefroms).
You can also copy the figure into your favorite Word processor programms.

How it works :
Have a look to the sources.

Download :
If you want to compile it again, you will need Borland C++ Builder 6 and :
fmmvcl.arj   Sources in Borland C++ Builder 6.
For a direct use click below :   The executable, ready to use.

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Last update : 23 August 2004